What is accreditation?
Accreditation is a formal, independent verification that a program or institution meets established quality standards and is competent to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks. Conformity assessment tasks may include, but are not limited to, testing, inspection, or certification
Does ACBS accredit institutions and diplomas outside the US?
Yes, we do.
Does ACBS accredit institutions that offer distance learning programs or degrees?
ACBS accredits institutions offering programs that are taught entirely or in part by (interactive) distance learning.
Do member institutions ever lose accredited status?
Yes. Accreditation is only granted in terms of five years. At the end of an institution’s term of accreditation, it must apply for re-accreditation.
What is Distance Education?
Distance education, also known as online education, correspondence education, or Internet-based learning, is designed for learners who live at a distance from residential educational providers and/or institutions. Distance education has evolved in recent years to include an increasing number of adult learners who may be within reasonable proximity to a residential campus, but because of work and personal responsibilities, are unable to regularly attend a physical campus. Additionally, these adult learners consider themselves to be self-starters and more independent students who thrive in an environment that provides a balance between flexibility and structure.
Distance education has a rich history dating back to the early 18th century when its predominant medium of instruction was printed materials that were mailed to individual students and allowed for little to no interaction with faculty members. Distance education today has taken advantage of technological innovations and has become a multi-faceted avenue for providing instruction through various mediums to meet the learning needs of a diverse, growing student population. Educational institutions can reach across borders and extend globally to build strong learner communities through the use of technological tools such as social media outlets, podcasts, various forms of asynchronous and synchronous communication, and videoconferencing. Advancements within the field of distance education have provided an increasing population of students the opportunity to earn degrees and gain knowledge and skills in various subject areas.
Why is accreditation important?
Accreditation provides students, prospective students, and the general public with information about the quality of an institution or program. It is important to make sure that the institution will provide you the education program and preparation for the career you are choosing. Accreditation provides this assurance and information about an institution. It is very important to know the accreditation status of the institution and whether an individual program requires a special accreditation status within a specific profession. It is important to remember that institutional accreditation does not mean that an individual program is accredited (e.g., nursing, law, teaching, occupational therapy, veterinary medicine).